# Prepare your spreadsheet

It's time to turn your spreadsheet into a Relational Database

# A sheet is a table

Okay, it's simpler to have an example, let say we have a sheet like this


# Essential concepts:

As you can see from above numbers:

  1. RestSheet treats each sheet in your spreadsheet as a table in a database
  2. Each sheet's name is mapped to a table name in the database
  3. The first row of each sheet is treated as the table's header, with each column representing a column in the table
  4. The data type of each column is determined by the format of the cells in the second row of the sheet
  5. The remaining rows in the sheet represent data records in the table.

# Instantly turn your spreadsheet into API data

# Sheet names are API endpoints

# JSON API return

After turning your Spreadsheet into API, here is what API result looks like

  "id": 1
  "MemberShip": true,
  "CreatedAt": "Jun 14, 2022"
  "id": 2
  "MemberShip": false,
  "CreatedAt": "Jun 14, 2022"

# SQL Support

And here how we will get the data with SQL query

SELECT "id", "name", "MemberShip", "CreatedAt"
FROM "customers"


  • Sheet name will be normalized, for example, above sheet Customers is normalized into customers
  • SQL query is PostgreSQL syntax.
  • When writing the SQL query, you should wrap the column's name inside a double-quote to get the exact case sensitive column, e.g. above SQL query is querying "MemberShip", "CreatedAt".