• Learn how to make request to your new RestSheet API.

# URL endpoints

The URL of your Spreadsheet API will be like this


You can find all the URLs in your Spreadsheet setting

//TODO add image here


Restsheet will provide the CRUD for your sheet, and you can disable/enable the methods any time. Just send HTTP request to the URL endpoints to perform the actions.

# Read

  • Send a GET HTTP request to get all the rows from your sheet.
  • The result will be like
//TODO Add example json
  • The output also includes the ID which is the row number in the sheet.

# Create

Send a POST HTTP request with a payload to add a new row. The row will be appended at the end of the sheet. Example payload

//TODO add example payload

# Update

Send a PUT HTTP request with a payload to update an existing row, send to the endpoint with ID (row number) Example payload

//TODO add example payload and URL

# Delete

You can delete a specific row by sending DELETE request to the endpoint with the ID (row number)

//TODO add example URL